Sunday, April 1, 2007

Hmm,which one are you?

Witnessing our team's 'wonderful' performance in the world cup and observing the barrage of brickbats thereafter, has set me thinking about this phenomenon that I will call the 'taking fanaticism to ludicrous lengths' phenomenon.
I must admit, I was totally shocked at the performance and lapsed into depression the day after myself, but never once did I think of undertaking the sort of character assassination that I have seen undertaken by all and sundry who pose to be 'critics' and worse, responsible media, a term I think is fast losing credibility in this country. So I decided to pen down the various prototypes of fans I have observed. I'm sure there are many many more... Anyway, here goes:
1) I will die for the game-
I mean this literally!Needs no exlanation. I'm shocked at the value given to human life.
2) I will vary between volcanic extremes-
India has won????!!!! yippee yaay, best team in the world, bengal tiger, karnataka lion, mumbai cheetah all walk the earth like a colossus in my estimation. India has lost- banish the team! Throw them into the depths of the pacific! The 'system' has to be changed.
3) Iam a fan of the game-
The result does not matter, its the game that does. Sagely wisdom about the state of the pitch or that little extra bounce that made all the difference bursts forth in a sort of dignified fury.
4) I knew the team would lose-
Good for nothing, paper tigers, arm chair critic par excellence, but not so offensive. A resigned sort of pessimism rules. I dont know why we bother to watch this godforsaken game and yet (in an aside all to myself), next time India is on TV, I'll watch from the tarot card forecast and of course criticize everyhting from the batsman/bowler ratio in the side, to that chap fielding at mid-on who seems to be lacking that 'fire in his belly' and moves as if a 100 pound weight has been chained onto his foot. Will I secretly pray for that victory?!of course!!!!!!
5) I'm the superstitious one par excellence-
Oh god,lets have a private deal-let India win, no I'm sorry, India has to win, I mean its fated right?!!! Its written in the stars, These are our demi gods, our superhero's. The must slay the enemy.
6) I'm the cool dude-
Hey chill yaar, its just a game, win some lose some. Is it so surprising, its our beloved Indian team after all. Hehehee, meanwhile, I will go to office and create those forwards or wait for those forwards that so usefully make my company's coffer jingle and jangle!

As for me, I fall between 3,4 and 6 with a bit of 5 thrown in depending on the situation. Its difficult to typecast to the nth degree, these are like sunsigns I guess, just basic patterns of behaviour.
My aim here was not to offend anyone or to defend myself, but just to share some of my observations, with which you may or may not agree. The only thing that I would like to reitrate here again and again is give those poor boys a break, they are our own and if we dont support them who will?